Email if you have any questions that are not answered here.
Each course is comprised of six sessions, all of which are open to all learners regardless of where they are in their puberty stage.
In the beginner's course, students are introduced to key puberty topics without discussions surrounding reproduction. The intermediate course explains reproduction, while the advanced course covers all topics in more detail.
It’s best before it happens! Don’t wait for your child to come to you with questions about their bodies. That day may never arrive. Oftentimes, children will learn about it from the internet and social media.
Our programs take place in a warm, casual, and non-intimidating environment. For many shy kids, it may be easier to start learning in a small group environment rather than a one-on one conversation.
Realistically, it is nearly impossible to shield our children from harmful messaging in today’s world. Instead of pretending they don’t exist, children need to learn from a trusted adult. Starting these conversations early means YOU are in control of the content- not snap chat rooms, Tik Tok, Instagram, google searches or movies. When your tween/teen is equipped with knowledge, she is much better prepared to make educated decisions and take appropriate action when she encounters challenging situations.